What is looking good this week?
GRAFTED TOMATOES! Limited Early Selection - 1 gallon pots $15 ea, or 2 for $25
Beefsteak, Brandywine, Early Girl, Goliath, Sun Sugar
(larger selection expected first week of May)
Bedding Plants
Red Carrot, Basil, Rhubarb, Chive, Rosemary, Sage, Winter onion
Epimedium ‘Domino’, Sedum ‘Blue Pearl’, Echinacia ‘Hot Papaya’, Dicentra ‘Alba’, Dicentra ‘Valentine’, Abutilon ‘Nabob’, Santolina ‘Lemon Fizz’
2625 Dillow Dr, West Linn 503.310.0747
We are set up for 6-8 people at a time. Or you can set an individual time to come by. No problem!